Intuitive Advice
Using my Synesthesia* to read your emotions and deeper struggles, I can help guide you through hardships by offering a greater understanding of your path and advice on how to move forward.
About Me
"The benefit of having experienced trauma early on in my life is I know every day is a blessing.
I know I’m lucky to be here, how close I was to almost never existing, and how lucky I am to still have functioning eyes, ears, and kidneys at this point in my life. This understanding is why I make music and art now.
And it’s also what I believe has given me that extra ability to perceive others and to have a deeper connection to life beyond this one. I still don’t like to call myself a psychic, but I can’t deny my extra gifts any longer. These gifts have been helpful to not just my own healing, but to my friends and family.
These are gifts I’m finally ready to share with all of you. I hope that you’ll let me."